How to create an effective and interactive website with responsive features ?

  • By Aelum Consulting
  • November 15, 2021

Website is one of the key features for the growth of your business and it is your responsibility to ensure that your website is responsive and interactive.

Nobody is going to refer your website to people if it is poorly designed.

Your website should always pay attention to the target audience for which it is simply created.

What is an effective and interactive website?

An effective and interactive website is a website that allows you to interact with the users. An interactive website ensures that the audience is interacting with the website. Increasing Interaction means you are providing quality content to your audience. Your UI Should be collaborative. Engagement is the key to an interactive and effective website.  The major goal for the interactive website should be users engagement. The addition of more internal links can provide you with major leads.

Why do We Need it?

All Organizations want a website that can represent them globally. They are competing with each other to increase their audiences. The presence of an interactive website can give you more business and build your networking worldwide.

Interactive websites have a long-term effect on your audiences and they keep interacting with your website for their needs.

Interactive websites allow you to collaborate with your live audience and get their feedback from time to time. It allows you to pass on your message and quality content to them sometimes in the form of mails or say weekly Newsletters

How to make your website interactive and effective?

  • Addition of interactive elements– This concept is based on the Principle of the first impression is the last impression. The addition of interactive elements can change the way people look at your website. We can add on better UI elements, Hovering effects over the content. The addition of Animation effects on posts and the presence of hovering slides give a huge impact on your business.
  • Responsiveness– Website should be responsive means that it should be mobile friendly and work with the same intensity and features in mobile too. Content should be clear even in tabs and mobile phones too.

Interactive Website

  • Contact forms-Addition of Contact forms can give you the major leads. Using contact forms you can get user feedback from time to time. Putting the contact form at different places on your website increases the user’s interaction on your website and gives you more business.

Interactive Website - Contact forms

  • More Visualisations– If you add more visualizations to the website it is easy to pass on the message to your audience. People always remember the content using display images, more statistics, and visualizations.
  • Videos– Videos are one of the proven methods for increasing the audience’s attention to your website. It is observed that People interact more with the website containing videos especially relatable to their products. YouTube Videos can be added to your website and it will publicize your website and you-tube channel at the same time.
  • SEO and keyword research– Perform the complete SEO and keyword analysis for your website content. Use specific keywords and internal links on the page to increase user engagement on your website. Perform Google Analytics on your website from time to time to get your user’s engagement report.

Keyword Research For SEO

  • Newsletters– Adding Newsletter to Your website gives you regular readers for your website content. It allows you to feed your client’s mail with your quality content regularly. It allows you to provide deals and packages to users.


  • Searching Feature– Searching Bar is one of the functionality for the website which allows your website visitors and customers to search any content available on the website. They have no need to scroll through all the buttons and pages. This search Option will directly take them to the required page.
  • The Easier Navigation-Navigation menu provides the hierarchical orientation to all the pages. It divides all the content into different sections. You can add hovering effects to the navigation and increase the user’s attention towards your website.
  • Speed Optimization-There is many websites over the internet but still, some websites are there with low-speed loaders. It is very important that when your targeted audience is going through your website and visiting your products, they need smooth navigation for the same. Better speed increases the visitor’s interest in the website and it gives ease to the person to scroll over other pages too.
  • Dynamic Web Design-Dynamic websites are those websites that keep changing their content from time to time, Interactive website comes under the section of the dynamic website where users and businesses can interact with each other. They keep adding their services to the page and updating it from time to time.
  • Addition of social media apps- Social media is the key source to share your information with people. Social media is used by billions of people globally. When we are sharing something online we are sharing it with all of them. When you share the news, products, or say some content online it starts coming under the google rankings as per the SEO and keywords used. Adding the social media apps on your website allows people to interact with your social media channels directly through the website. It gives you more subscribers and viewers.

Social media apps

  • Presence of Chatbots- Artificial Intelligence is the most trending current technology and it allows machines to act like humans. It is based on the principle of providing intelligence to machines. The presence of chatbots works as the maintenance and support system for the websites. Using chatbots visitors can ask questions to the bot and it is designed to ask answers for the same. Chatbots provide you the quick answers to your queries.


  • Google Maps– The facility of Google maps on your pages gives the user exact location identification for your business. It provides authentication to your visitors and allows them to reach you using Google Maps. Sometimes only address information is not enough to locate the exact place. The use of Google Maps provides the ease to reach an exact location.


These were all the required key factors for your interactive and effective website. An interactive and effective website with responsive features can give you business leads globally. Ease of Access to your website increases your user’s interest in your website and products and also helps in digital transformation.

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Author: Rati Kumari Jha
Designation: Technical Content Writer

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